Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to school party!

Woo Hoo! Ben went back to school today after a 9 week too long holiday! The babies only go back next week and I cannot wait to have some time back to myself!
Mmmmmmm massage… classes.. skinny decaf latte…treat treat treat treat!

My next art project:

We all need some TLC and here's to all the stay at home mums getting through the school holidays!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Spring is in the Air!

As I type, I can smell the lawn being cut for the first time in weeks. It is so exciting! Spring is here and we have definitely been carried along in the spirit of things.
I for one have organised my entire wardrobe on Monday; gave away clothes I didn't want and re-discovering pieces forgotten about. I have separated it into Short Dresses, Long Dresses , Pant Suits, Blouses etc. and.. colour coded it all from Darks to lights!

Neil has been on the good old British Heart Foundation Three day diet! I love this diet just for making one realise how much we overeat and getting one back on the straight and narrow.
The pool area is next in line the cushions are at the cleaners and have hung up my new towel hooks from Tintown!
The kids are really into our walks in the National park and have discovered the wonder of tadpoles watching them change daily.


Even though life is so fast-paced, filled with multi-tasking, communication overload, juggling school, dinners, people, house work, play dates, hobbies, gym etc.. Etc.. Etc.., it can feel empty and shallow.
We talk about our social 'schedule' and socially these days, more is more. More is more is more and we are sometimes left feeling drained and empty. True friendships are a BIG deal, they are organic the REAL thing. True friendships are chicken pot pie for the soul.

A friendship of honesty, understanding and listening without comparing or criticizing is one of the most uplifting tonics; more susceptible to bringing about positive change than a one to one with Trinny and Susannah.
I am challenging you to be an honest and truly caring friend today.
Ingredients for Friendship Pie for the Soul ….. Integrity, love, encouraging, honesty, listening, loyalty, honouring commitments and laughter!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

AAAAAAH Hagen-Daz!!

On Friday I squealed out aloud when I discovered Haagen Dazs in Jumbo, a large supermarket on the island! Needless to say my freezer is now a treasure chest, housing copious supplies of the stuff ( who knows when it will grace our stores again)!
Sunday Evenings are perfect for DVD's and icecream...

I am loving Vanilla Caramel Brownie ..A perfect blend of vanilla and caramel with chewy bits of you heart out!

Back on the Radar!

I have decided to BLOG my life here on the island! 3 kids under 6 and living in Mauritius has daily challenges but overall it is fun and we try to make it fantastic! So feel free to follow and offer your comments.